Discrimination in any form or degree will not be tolerated. Be a nice, open-minded, and genuine human being. Respect other people’s privacy, culture, pronouns, and wishes. There is an opportunity to have an amazing community of diverse people brought together by one or more common interests here, so my goal is to make that happen. If you ever experience or witness anyone violating this anti-discrimination policy, please bring it to my attention so I can deal with the problem and ensure the environment I hope for. info@nctraces.com
NCTRaces is held on the ancestral lands of the Ojibwe people. The land of the Brule River Valley was ceded in the Treaty of 1842. Before this, the Ojibwe people inhabited the area and especially used the Brule/St. Croix waterway connection as a major thoroughfare to bridge the Lake Superior and Mississippi Watersheds. There are commemorative stones along the trail for French Explorers and Voyageurs, but these do not pay homage to the first and original inhabitants, the Ojibwe people. Before the start of the race, there will be a tobacco offering at the trailhead and a brief smudge ceremony led by Fond du Lac tribal members/descendants/race volunteers. Any who wish to join are welcome. If you would like to contribute, please do so. With any questions/concerns, please contact me.
Please register in the race category that fits your gender identity. Transgender athletes are welcome to, and supported in, registering in the category that fits their gender identity. In addition to transgender athletes registering in the category that fits their gender identity, there will be a Non-Binary category as a third option in 2023. If you have any questions about this for yourself, a family member, or friend, please contact me.
Please register in the race category that fits your gender identity. Transgender athletes are welcome to, and supported in, registering in the category that fits their gender identity.
Each entrant’s declared gender will be accepted at face value, and no additional supporting evidence is required.
If your race goal is competitive in nature (adapted from The Rut Mountain Runs):
Transgender female (male-to-female) athletes can register to compete as female, provided they have undergone continuous, medically supervised hormone treatment for gender transition for at least one year prior to the race.
Transgender male (female-to-male) athletes can register as male. They can not register as female if they have undergone continuous, medically supervised hormone treatment for gender transition for at least one year prior to the race.
Challenge of Results:
This policy gives athletes the ability to challenge results out of a desire for inclusion and fairness. As such we expect all parties to behave in a manner that is honest, compassionate, and respectful. We will not tolerate hateful or discriminatory behavior by any of our runners, or those associated with the race, regardless of the cause.
Challenges may be made to results, which are directly related to a runner’s self-declared gender, only when a top 5 position is at stake. A challenge must be made in writing or email to the Race Director within 10 days of race completion and must be submitted privately and with the utmost discretion and respect for all parties involved.
Neither party may publicly post or discuss the challenge until a decision has been reached by the race. Challenges not related to a runner’s gender status, such as course cutting or other rule violations, will be handled in the normal process.
In the event of a challenge, or as deemed necessary, supporting documentation from a medical professional may be requested. All information about the runner’s gender identity and medical information, including any information provided pursuant to this policy, will be kept strictly confidential. The Race Director, with input from the Medical Director(s), will review the relevant facts and make a final decision.
If the runner is not in compliance with this policy, they will forfeit any place positions but will retain their official finish. Any announcements made by the race will simply state whether a runner was or was not in compliance with our policy and the associated action taken by the race. We will not disclose, unless requested or allowed by the transgender runner, any medical information related to the decision
If you have any questions about this for yourself, a family member, or friend, please contact me.